Verbal dyspraxia and autism

What is verbal dyspraxia?

The person has difficulty coordinating mouth movements to speak correctly. Verbal dyspraxia can be very frustrating because the person is not well understood by those around them. Anyone with or without other diagnoses can have verbal dyspraxia, but autistic people have verbal dyspraxia more often than other people.

Definition of verbal dyspraxia

Verbal dyspraxia is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult for a person to coordinate and plan his or her movements, and to hold a clear oral discourse. It also manifests itself in frequent errors in the production of vowels and consonants, as well as prosodic errors (errors in the rhythm of speech that can affect comprehension). Blowing or sticking out their tongue is a complex action with this condition. Holding a conversation requires a lot of energy.

Symptoms of verbal dyspraxia

Reasons to consult a professional

Professionals to consult



Sophie, aged 8, has difficulty pronouncing simple words, which frustrates her in discussions with others. She tends to avoid interactions with her peers, speaks slowly and often pauses. Using gestures to complete her thoughts is helpful for her. Despite this, she is making concrete progress in other areas.