Olfactory hypersensitivity

What is olfactory hypersensitivity?

Olfactory hypersensitivity occurs when sensory information from the sense of smell is perceived too intensely. The person becomes highly sensitive to odors such as perfumes, soaps, chemicals, smells that others may find unpleasant, and even certain foods. A hypersensitive person may struggle with being in groups, using public transport, handling certain products, or even eating various foods. Autistic people are more likely to experience hyper- or hypo-sensitivities, but individuals without any specific developmental diagnosis can also have these conditions.

Definition of olfactory hypersensitivity?

Olfactory hypersensitivity is an increased sensitivity to odors, causing an overly strong response to olfactory stimuli. Certain products, fragrances, and foods can be difficult to tolerate, and close contact with other people can become a real challenge.

Examples of smells that affect many autistic people

Symptoms of olfactory hypersensitivity

The symptoms of olfactory hypersensitivity vary from person to person. It’s not necessary to have all these symptoms to be considered hypersensitive, and other symptoms may also exist.

My 13-year-old boy in a restaurant: "Mom, the man's eating things that stink and are out of date"! It was fish.

Consequences of olfactory hypersensitivity

Unusual sensitivity to odors has consequences on different facets of daily life and these vary from person to person, depending on the environment, age, skills and tools available to the person.


An odor just neutralized me. My mother was cooking clams, and some of them turned out to be dead. It was too late when she realized it. The house was COVERED in smell, and I've never smelled anything worse. The only way I can describe it is like tonsil stones, but ten times worse. I knew I was sensitive to smells before, but this is a whole other level. This stuff was debilitating. I had to go into my room, open the window, put essential oils in the humidifier, and smear Vicks VapoRub under my nose. I feel so bad, like I'm exaggerating. Like it wasn't that bad. But I really can't leave my room without gagging. My stomach hurts so much from vomiting and just smelling it. I don't know what to do. I'm also very emotionally upset, just because of how badly my body reacted to this and the fact that I can't leave my room right now. We were about to have lunch. I still feel nauseated just thinking about it.

Solutions for olfactory hypersensitivity

A person hypersensitive to odors may be unable to study or work normally. They may need to request the accommodation of a scent-free environment.

CCOHS and the Government of Canada can provide guidance to employers wishing to offer a safe, scent-free environment for people with odor disabilities.