Hyposensitivity to chronoception

What does it mean to be hyposensitive to the concept of time?

Hyposensitivity to chronoception occurs when a person perceives the passage of time less clearly. They may have difficulty following a schedule and arriving on time. Sometimes this results in a poor understanding of days of the week, months, and years. Autistic people are more likely to experience sensory hypersensitivities or hyposensitivities, and a different perception of time is very common among them. However, this condition can also affect individuals without a specific diagnosis.

Definition of hyposensitivity to chronoception?

Hyposensitivity to chronoception is a sensory disorder in which a person’s perception of time is affected. This can lead to difficulties in following a schedule, meeting deadlines and arriving on time. For some people, months, days and years remain abstract concepts. Challenges related to the perception of the passage of time are very common in autism.

Symptoms of hyposensitivity to the passage of time

Symptoms can vary greatly from one person to another.

Consequences of hyposensitivity to chronoception

The consequences of hyposensitivity to chronoception vary greatly from person to person, depending on the intensity of hyposensitivity, age, skills, environment and tools available.


It's pointless and even harmful to reprimand a person who is hyposensitive to the passage of time. A more useful reaction is to provide the tools needed to better understand time. This will help the person and reduce frustration among those close to them.


Jade reacts very strongly when it's time to stop an activity. Her parents try to warn her, give her time and make her promise to react calmly. But when the time is up, Jade is convinced that this is impossible, and the frustration this causes her makes her angry. Jade's parents buy some colorful hourglasses. This gives Jade a visual cue of the passage of time, and the end of the activity is much less perceived as unexpected or as a lie. The whole family benefits.

What measures should be taken in the event of hyposensitivity to the passage of time?

There are many accessible tools available. They can engage other senses, such as sight and hearing. When used properly, technology can even enable an adult to maintain a job requiring strict schedule adherence. You can let the person choose their own tools or help them determine what works best. However, if time perception is particularly challenging, it’s helpful to offer assistance in setting up an effective system.

There are a number of tools that can help you better perceive the passage of time.


Samuel often has to make presentations to his colleagues. He doesn't want to look at his watch all the time. So he uses a TimeTimer which he places in front of him. The image of time passing is so clear that his anxiety when performing this task has decreased enormously.

Autism and the perception of time

Other factors can influence autistic people’s perception of time and their reactions to it.

I don't physically feel time passing, so I don't conceptualize it. Even though intellectually I know it's normal not to feel time, my brain wants to feel it and of course it doesn't work.

Autism and dealing with the unexpected

Anything unexpected is much more difficult for most autistic people to deal with than for others. This is why a different understanding of time will have an even greater impact on the person. If they don’t understand the passage of time, it can be experienced as unexpected. For autistic people, unforeseen events are often more complex to manage both pragmatically and emotionally.

Autism and time rigidity

If a time-perception tool is used, but the schedule is not followed to the letter, an autistic person’s reaction may be amplified. They may also perceive the failure to follow the schedule to the letter as a lie or betrayal.

Specific interests and perception of time

An autistic person who doesn’t usually have a different perception of the passage of time may have one when they are busy with their specific interest. It’s up to them to be aware of this and to set reminders to make sure they feed themselves, go to the bathroom, sleep or get ready for their next scheduled activity. If the person is unable to do this, they will need the help of those around them to put in place the tools they need.

Valérie Jessica Laporte