Valérie Jessica Laporte

Advocate and Content Creator on Autism

My name is Valérie Jessica Laporte. Born in 1977, I was diagnosed with autism later in life, at the age of 38. Since then, I have actively worked to raise awareness and educate the public about my unique perspective, sharing my experiences in a vibrant and engaging way.

Writing, Content Creation, and Awareness

As the author of two novels featuring a young autistic protagonist, a speaker, and the creator of the blog Bleuet atypique as well as TikTok and YouTube channels, I am known for my testimonial-style videos. These videos serve as bridges to my autistic world, where I share my challenges, failures, and successes.

In 2018, I was honored with the Michel-Francœur tribute by the Fédération québécoise de l’autisme, for which I am now the official spokesperson.


As an artist, my work reflects how I perceive the fragmented world around me. It carries an atypical and unique essence. Initially, I turned to photography as a way to interpret and analyze human emotions. Over time, I discovered that my creations could also serve as a source of stimulation, perfectly aligned with my internal processes. My distinctive approach to processing information fuels my creativity, and my unique perceptions give my artwork its singular character.

Graphic Designer

As a graphic designer, I am captivated by how visual information is organized within a given space, ensuring clarity and intention in the message. Since childhood, I have been drawn to projects in this field, which later became central to my career. Many of my designs have earned awards.

My Vision

I aim to bridge the neurotypical and autistic worlds, fostering strong collaboration. Changing perceptions, one person at a time, and opening the dialogue are goals I deeply believe in.

Valérie Jessica Laporte​

Advocate and Content Creator on Autism

My name is Valérie Jessica Laporte. Born in 1977, I was diagnosed with autism later in life, at the age of 38. Since then, I have actively worked to raise awareness and educate the public about my unique perspective, sharing my experiences in a vibrant and engaging way.

Writing, Content Creation, and Awareness

As the author of two novels featuring a young autistic protagonist, a speaker, and the creator of the blog Bleuet atypique as well as TikTok and YouTube channels, I am known for my testimonial-style videos. These videos serve as bridges to my autistic world, where I share my challenges, failures, and successes.

In 2018, I was honored with the Michel-Francœur tribute by the Fédération québécoise de l’autisme, for which I am now the official spokesperson.


As an artist, my work reflects how I perceive the fragmented world around me. It carries an atypical and unique essence. Initially, I turned to photography as a way to interpret and analyze human emotions. Over time, I discovered that my creations could also serve as a source of stimulation, perfectly aligned with my internal processes. My distinctive approach to processing information fuels my creativity, and my unique perceptions give my artwork its singular character.

Graphic Designer

As a graphic designer, I am captivated by how visual information is organized within a given space, ensuring clarity and intention in the message. Since childhood, I have been drawn to projects in this field, which later became central to my career. Many of my designs have earned awards.

My Vision

I aim to bridge the neurotypical and autistic worlds, fostering strong collaboration. Changing perceptions, one person at a time, and opening the dialogue are goals I deeply believe in.