Mani Lamarre (She/They)

Specialized Educator

Who am I?

I am a trained specialized educator. I have worked with adults from diverse backgrounds, with various health conditions, and a range of needs. I have also been immersed in the world of improvisation, theater, and poetry.

At 23, I received my autism diagnosis, which finally gave meaning to my life journey.

As a social justice advocate who has personally experienced unmet needs, I quickly noticed the lack of adapted services for autistic people seeking a diagnosis or post-diagnosis support. Additionally, existing services are often inaccessible or unsuitable.

It is this realization, combined with my skills in communication and supportive relationships, that inspired the creation of the Commune Autiste project.

What is Commune Autiste?

It is a service designed to support adults exploring autism or autistic adults with a diagnosis (medical or self-identified) who wish to improve their sense of well-being.

True to my essence, Commune Autiste is a play on words:

  • “Comme une autiste” (Like an autistic person): Despite hearing the cliché, “You don’t look autistic,” I affirm that yes, I do look autistic. There’s no specific way an autistic person should behave—like all humans, autistic people have personalities, differences, and similarities.

  • “Commune” (Community): Community is a vital aspect of autism. This service is by an autistic person, for autistic people. It’s a safe space for all autistic individuals and those questioning if they might be autistic. It’s also a welcoming space for members of the 2ELGBTQIA+ community.

  • “Commune” (Shared experience): The intervention approach is human-centered and egalitarian. Autistic people are the true experts of their experiences and needs. I am simply one of the tools they can use, bringing my expertise to complement theirs.

For more information and updates on the launch of the service, follow my TikTok and visit the website, which will soon provide additional resources:

Mani Lamarre (She/they)

Specialized Educator

Who am I?

I am a trained specialized educator. I have worked with adults from diverse backgrounds, with various health conditions, and a range of needs. I have also been immersed in the world of improvisation, theater, and poetry.

At 23, I received my autism diagnosis, which finally gave meaning to my life journey.

As a social justice advocate who has personally experienced unmet needs, I quickly noticed the lack of adapted services for autistic people seeking a diagnosis or post-diagnosis support. Additionally, existing services are often inaccessible or unsuitable.

It is this realization, combined with my skills in communication and supportive relationships, that inspired the creation of the Commune Autiste project.

What is Commune Autiste?

It is a service designed to support adults exploring autism or autistic adults with a diagnosis (medical or self-identified) who wish to improve their sense of well-being.

True to my essence, Commune Autiste is a play on words:

  • “Comme une autiste” (Like an autistic person): Despite hearing the cliché, “You don’t look autistic,” I affirm that yes, I do look autistic. There’s no specific way an autistic person should behave—like all humans, autistic people have personalities, differences, and similarities.

  • “Commune” (Community): Community is a vital aspect of autism. This service is by an autistic person, for autistic people. It’s a safe space for all autistic individuals and those questioning if they might be autistic. It’s also a welcoming space for members of the 2ELGBTQIA+ community.

  • “Commune” (Shared experience): The intervention approach is human-centered and egalitarian. Autistic people are the true experts of their experiences and needs. I am simply one of the tools they can use, bringing my expertise to complement theirs.

For more information and updates on the launch of the service, follow my TikTok and visit the website, which will soon provide additional resources: